Whatcom Early Learning Alliance (WELA) is a collaboration of local organizations working toward a shared vision for children and their families. We are dedicated to supporting access to high-quality early learning opportunities for all children and their families.


Nearly 400 local families and professionals shared their experiences in raising children, accessing resources, and working within our system.

SEAS Program

We work closely with the SEAS Program, which serves children with special healthcare needs.

SEAS provides resource navigation for children with special needs (expanding to children and families of all kinds), directing families to early intervention services as well as providing families and providers with information about other services such as childcare, early learning, therapy, basic needs, etc. 


Perinatal Mental Health Taskforce

Both mothers and fathers commonly experience depression and anxiety during pregnancy and parenting. Without treatment, these distressing feelings may affect how parents respond to and bond with their child as well. They can also impact the child’s development.

Fortunately, help is available—from family, peers and providers— to prevent, identify and treat perinatal mood disorders and to build the healthy family relationships that help communities thrive. 


Help Me Grow

This nationally-recognized model is nationally recognized resource and referral linkage system helping guide our work. Help Me Grow (HMG) focuses on coordinating access to care, outreach, evaluation, advocacy, and equity.


Feel free to contact us with any questions.
